Learning Center
A learning center brought to you by the Torque Experts at Delta Regis Tools Inc. All you need to know about torque, screwdrivers, brushless, etc.
Electric Torque Screwdriver Best Practices
Fastening screws is one of the common jobs in manufacturing plants, but using manual screwdrivers [...]
Top 5 Best Electric Screwdrivers
We at Delta Regis have been in the business of providing assembly and industrial production [...]
What is a Torque Arm?
Today’s modern production assembly lines require operators to stand with an assembly torque tool for [...]
What is a Brushless Screwdriver?
The manufacturing industry has made many advancements forward and the production has been made easier [...]
How Smart Electric Screwdrivers Improve Assembly and Manufacturing Practices by Providing Enhanced Data-Driven Decision Making
Industry 4.0 is quickly making advancements in the manufacturing industry, leading the shift from manual [...]
What Is a Screw Presenter?
If you’re looking for a quick and easy solution to optimize your assembly, a screw [...]
4 Things You Didn’t Know About Tool Balancers
As a manufacturer, you’re always looking for ways to increase productivity and reduce turnaround time [...]
Why Assembly Lines Still Need Humans in the Wake of Robots
There is no denying that the world around us is progressing forward with great leaps [...]
Top 7 Tips for Choosing the Right Electric Torque Screwdriver
Electric screwdrivers have become an essential item in the modern assembly facility because they are [...]
How to Improve Quality in Medical Device Manufacturing
Medical devices sold in North America are subject to the highest standards and requirements in [...]
Take Your Manufacturing Line Error Proofing to the Next Level
Error-proofing on the assembly line is one of the most critical aspects of quality control [...]
8 Important Tools for the Electronics Manufacturing Production Line
The invention of tools has allowed us to advance to the top of the food [...]
6 Reasons You Should Be Error Checking Fasteners During the Assembly Process
Catching errors is fundamental to meeting the demands placed on manufacturers. These standards have been [...]
How Quality Torque Tools Can Improve Productivity on the Assembly Line
Assembly lines are fast-paced environments involving humans, robotic technology, tools, materials, and other machines or [...]
How Torque Arms Can Reduce Workplace Injuries
In manufacturing, workers are faced with a range of different tasks that involve various body [...]
What Ergonomic Improvements Can You Make in Your Manufacturing Plant?
The health and safety of all employees are essential to improve productivity and efficiency in [...]