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Why Assembly Lines Still Need Humans in the Wake of Robots
There is no denying that the world around us is progressing forward with great leaps and bounds, with astonishing technological advancements designed to assist humans or ease the work burden.
Robotic workers in manufacturing facilities have been tasked with many physically strenuous jobs such as heavy lifting and repetitive tasks to allow human workers to focus on more creative and intellectual work.
Robots have revolutionized automatic manufacturing, which has resulted in improved safety and product reliability and reduced the number of human workers required to complete a process. However, even in this age of robots, the manufacturing industry still relies heavily on workers and will continue to do so as we move forward in this digital era.
What role do robots play in manufacturing facilities?
Robotic machinery does not fatigue the way human workers do and can complete their work in places with minimal lighting, to keep all processes as economical as possible. In many ways, robots are better at completing some tasks compared to humans. Robots are more precise and consistent and excel when it comes to tasks requiring repetitive and identical motions to be met consistently over time.
Overall, there is a decreased risk of errors and less strain on human workers with robotic technology. Monotonous and physically demanding work has been shifted from human workers’ shoulders to robots’, which has helped improve human safety. Many other high-risk areas are also in the process of becoming automated to keep humans away from tasks that could endanger them.
The Human Element
There is certainly no denying that robots will continue to play a crucial role in manufacturing; many machines are operated by machines. However, as useful as robots may be, the human element will continue to play a vital role in the manufacturing industry.
Human workers offer many advantages, showing things that robots simply cannot and continue to be actively involved along many stages of the assembly process. Humans are needed for quality control, repair, routine inspections, and other highly specialized tasks. With increasingly sophisticated technology, more highly-skilled workers must operate and maintain the equipment.
Although robots can complete a wide range of tasks, specific jobs are outside their scope and require the human touch to complete. If robots can detect errors, humans can take the next step to use logic to understand the mistakes and repair them. The human element cannot and should not be underestimated in the manufacturing industry. Ultimately, human eyes, skills, and expertise are required to complete a final check on all products even if they have been assembled solely by robots.
Industry 5.0 is on the Horizon
The world has progressed through many industrial revolutions, and as we sit here today, we can see Industry 5.0 on the horizon. The first industrial revolution was marked by mechanization powered by water and steam, followed by mass production and assembly lines in the second, and computers and automation in the third.
The fourth industrial revolution marked the beginning of automated processes, SMART technology, and cyber-physical systems. One would predict that Industry 5.0 would build on these cyber-physical systems, leading to their increased manufacturing industry presence.
However, this isn’t necessarily the case, and Industry 5.0 is moving towards the integration of humans and machines. In fact, with a greater demand for customization, the human element is becoming increasingly important.
Robots and humans work best when they work together. Robots handle monotonous, dangerous work requiring a high level of precision, while humans handle the decision making, brainstorming, troubleshooting, and other tactile work.
Humans are and will always remain at the heart of the manufacturing industry. Although robots have become a big part of the manufacturing industry and will undoubtedly continue to evolve and advance in the future, humans will never be completely replaced by robots.
Robots are incredibly beneficial for the manufacturing industry, not because they replace people, but because they free them for other, more important, work. Ultimately, nothing can mimic human touch and senses, which is why humans are irreplaceable.
At Delta Regis Tools, we understand the vital role humans play in the manufacturing industry, which is why we are committed to providing the highest quality tools and equipment to help them get the job done right.
To learn more about why assembly lines need humans as well as robots, call Delta Regis tools at 1(888) 733-3142 or contact us here.