Transducerized DC Screwdriver with Angle Control


Transducerized Smart Electric Screwdriver

Welcome to Delta Regis, home of the innovative Transducerized Torque & Angle Control System.
Our cutting-edge technology combines precision, efficiency, and reliability to bring you the ultimate solution for torque and angle control in your assembly processes.
Whether you’re looking for electric inline screwdrivers with angle encoders or a comprehensive torque and angle control system, we have you covered with our ESL-XTA Series and XTCA products.
ESL-XTA Series: Transducerized Electric Inline Screwdrivers with Angle Encoder
The ESL-XTA Series represents the pinnacle of precision and control in electric inline screwdrivers.
These transducerized screwdrivers are equipped with advanced angle encoders, allowing you to monitor both torque and angle during the tightening process.
With the ability to precisely measure the angle of rotation, you can achieve unparalleled accuracy and consistency in your assembly operations.

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